Hellllllo Wednesday! So glad it is mid week! I don’t know about you , but it has been quite the week here! We found out our teacher for starting Kindergarten, and I am just not ready for school to start yet! Packing in as much as we can with friends and family these last two weeks before summer comes to an end.
Since I am one to love casual and comfortable as much as the next girl I wanted to round-up my go to denim finds! I just love denim these days but I have to say it is because they now feel like leggings. So much has changed in that department, nobody wants stiff pants anymore with zero stretch. Amen to whoever invented stretchy denim, because back in the day it felt like stiff sand paper that we all squeezed into! Lol. Denim comes in all shades of indigo, black, white and just about any color you can imagine! That’s the beauty of it, you can dress it up or down, and even wear them to work!
Think versatile, one pair can take you throughout the year! I have found so many great brands that I have grown to love that are budget friendly. Rarely do I spend the cost of designer jeans anymore since finding a love for some of these other brands! I will say, I do love some of my AG denim the most. They are a bit more costly, but you can find them on sale from time to time. If you have the budget for them, I highly recommend the brand. They hold their shape and value year after year. I am wearing a pair in gray above, on the tricycle. Will link them here for those interested!
These are my current favorites! I love the reinforced distressed parts so they wont be cold in the winter or rip much more! Most of these below are currently on sale forBOGO 50% OFF. You can browse the entire sale here. I always size up in American Eagle. Trust me.
Size UP one:
Size DOWN!
Let me know if you have any questions regarding sizes! Be sure to read what I advise for how to size some of the above. Trust me when I tell you to size up or down! I have attached denim in all price ranges and hope this helps get our closet started for fall! So ready for fall clothes and candles, my favorite time of the year!
“Always be pure, kind and HONEST”