Hey friends! Hello from the sunny and beautiful beach! We are here for Spring Break with the girls and some family and are having the best time! The weather has been perfect and I couldn't be happier to be in the sun and sand with my[...]
Hey friends! Hello from the sunny and beautiful beach! We are here for Spring Break with the girls and some family and are having the best time! The weather has been perfect and I couldn't be happier to be in the sun and sand with my[...]
Hey friends! Yesterday hit 70 degrees and we spent the day outside soaking it up! It was short lived to say the least but we will take it! This is also your taco Tuesday reminder in case you need a dinner idea! As I've been ge[...]
We're back from Florida after a wonderful vacation! It was just what we needed and full of laughs and family time. And although, I'm definitely not ready to deal with this cold weather again, it was so good to snuggle into our comfy b[...]
I've been living in sweats for so long, it's been a lot of fun to plan my outfits and what I'm packing for spring break vacation.
Happy Tuesday! Did you know Tuesday is supposed to be the most productive day of the week?! Well, I am certainly working over here to get ready for our VACATION!! I thought I would round up my recent Amazon orders to share a li[...]
Hi Friends! Spring is in the air! Hope you had a nice weekend. We had our first egg hunt of the season and finally got to open the windows and play outside all day long! The kids are pretty excited to see their friend[...]
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