Happy Friday friends!! Can you even believe it's already Memorial Day Weekend?! May is flying by over here!! I hope you have a great long weekend and have good weather wherever you are! It's supposed to be warm here so I'm planning[...]
Happy Friday friends!! Can you even believe it's already Memorial Day Weekend?! May is flying by over here!! I hope you have a great long weekend and have good weather wherever you are! It's supposed to be warm here so I'm planning[...]
Happy Friday friends!! I'm so excited that spring weather is finally here and I can wear all of my new spring outfits! They will all transition into summer nicely for warmer weather! It is ALL on SALE too! Even the sneakers which[...]
Happy Friday Eve!! How is everyone doing? It's a big adjustment being home all the time and we are all adjusting to our new routines. The sales have been a great distraction and so good lately! Today is a great sale with Expres[...]
Happy Sunday Friends! As you can see, I am still living in my lounge clothes! I have my daytime loungers and my night time loungers like many of you! This month I am rounding up stay-at-home favorites from JCPenney. They are ru[...]
Top, Skirt, Shoes Happy Sunday! We have had a very busy weekend of gatherings over here and another one today! This is one of my favorite times of the year to get dressed up since I rarely do. Whatever your holiday gatherings an[...]
What you are loving this week and Weekend Sales! Weekly Top Sellers You can shop the photo by clicking the item you want! !function(w,i,d,g,e,t){if (!d.getElementById(i)) {element = d.createElement(t);element.id = i;eleme[...]
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