Weekly Round Up : Your Favorite Looks of the Week
Good Morning! Been a busy week and lots of weekend fun with family and friends! Hope everyone had a nice few days over the weekend! I have spent some time reviewing some of my analytics to dig deep and find what you guys are really loving! I have to say , I am not surprised because your top trends are a lot of my same favorites! I have said it before and I will say it again, if there’s something I truly love, I share it with all my honest reviews and opinions. I am going to round-up a few of YOUR favorite looks and items today.
These boots are one of the top purchases of the season. They have been re stocked and hope they stay that way. You have seen these a ton on my feed and I have shared them before. Over the knee boots are for all ages! Even toddlers, sharing a cute pair for those kiddies too. My faves are now just $79 normally $225! Snag them while you can! Click photo for both color options.
Leggings! Like any other girl, who doesn’t love leggings!? They have brought it big time this season. I have to say, I own every single one of these pairs and these are your top picks ! These speak for themselves and make all legs look amazing (and tummies too) thank the lord for that because we all know how much we love when something sucks and tucks in all the right places! Be sure to read sizing charts. The distressed ones size down!

Last but not least for today, stripes and sweaters! Ask and you shall receive! Stripes and sweaters hit the ground running this week! Keep sending me your pics, I love seeing them on you! Here’s what your top picks are for the week:

You can shop all my looks easily here without any sign up: https://thelilliebag.com/like-to-know-it/ . For those of you new here, these links we provide help us keep our relationships with retailers as well as view our analytics based on your purchases. When myself or any other blogger uses these links, we encourage you to use them so we can keep doing what we are doing and bringing you the latest and greatest finds.
Cheers to a great week ahead! Let me know what else you are loving!
Xo, Lauren